Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Hey guys!!
Do you know Pokemon? Pokemon is a story of a squad. This squad consist of 3 people. Their names are Ash, Brock and Misty. They are very cooperative. They have weird Pokemons. Pokemon are animals which speaks in a weird language and a weird shape. I really wish that I would have my own Pokemon. It would be very useful. I want to show you all what is a Pokemon.
Monday, November 26, 2007
A Character in Anime
You know what?? My favourite Anime character is Naruto here are the pictures of Naruto and his friends.

Isn't he cute?? He's cool you know!! He's name is Uciha Sasuke.
She looked worried. Is she worried of Sasuke? She has a huge crush on Sasuke you know. Her name's Sakura Haruno.
He's the strongest Genin in Konoha. He uses his Byakugan to see everything. His name is Neji Hyuga.
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Saturday, September 15, 2007
My Lava lamp
Create a Lava Lamp
This is my lava lamp from
I decided to use it as a decoration. At first it looks disgusting, but then, I realized that nothing will be disgusting unless everyone doesn't like it.
Honor the Lord
Honor the Lord by resting on the seventh day of the week.

Christian Glitter by

Christian Glitter by
Sunday, June 10, 2007
My Reflection About Computer
In my computer lesson, I was taught how to use 10-fingers typing, using this computer games called, Typing Pal.3 and Jumpstart Typing. Those are really fun games. In my computer lesson, I also had some projects to finish. It's like using Microsoft Powerpoint, Kidspiration 2 and the Internet. Sometimes, I got trouble with my projects and activities, but, I just enjoyed it. Pak Shie Fung, the teacher, was teaching us how to behave. Also to control ourselves. I am beginig to use my 10-fingers typing very often.

Thanks for teaching me in Grade 3!!

Thursday, June 7, 2007
My new computer-made flip book, is about a ball that always bounces off and suddenly, was kicked. Actually, I made it on this is animation link. I had printed it afterwards.
Tuesday, June 5, 2007
GGM Comic Life
Hello! My name is Caca, the head of the Finance Department. I am the assistant of my presidents, Kathleen and Aditya. Our market days, were all successful. The finance department was always the cashier. My partner was often Josceline. We had lots of work. We needed to decide the prices. If you are in a company, and you're in the head of finance, you will find out how hard it is. Being a head of finance, made me very busy, because we needed to serve the customers as quick as possible, while they were lining up. Counting the money, giving the right change and being able to do maths was making me stressed!
Hello! My name is Caca, the head of the Finance Department. I am the assistant of my presidents, Kathleen and Aditya. Our market days, were all successful. The finance department was always the cashier. My partner was often Josceline. We had lots of work. We needed to decide the prices. If you are in a company, and you're in the head of finance, you will find out how hard it is. Being a head of finance, made me very busy, because we needed to serve the customers as quick as possible, while they were lining up. Counting the money, giving the right change and being able to do maths was making me stressed!

Saturday, June 2, 2007
Games from Anak Online
I would be happy to thank my teachers in our classroom that they had found lots of fun games to play and practice our skills at Concentrating, Maths and knowing our current UOI, Sound and Light. I liked the sound game and the light games. I also saw a game in Anak Online about angles. It was actually boring, but, I think the first part will be very hard......................... That's why, I am shocked!!
Friday, June 1, 2007
Thursday, May 31, 2007
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
Friday, May 25, 2007
Kalimat S-P-O-K
1. Hari ini kami bermain drama di sekolah.
2. Anna menjahit baju dengan baik.
3. Tanaman itu tumbuh dengan subur di tamanku.
4. Petani membajak sawah di pagi hari.
5. Ibu memarahi Dodi karena kenakalannya.
6. Gigi Dodi dicabut oleh dokter kemarin.
7. Dodi membawa tasnya ke dalam kamar.
8. Andika merawat kucing peliharaannya dengan penuh kasih.
9. Dani mendengarkan nasihat dokter itu dengan sungguh-sungguh.
10. Sang majikan selalu memperlakukan mereka dengan kejam.
2. Anna menjahit baju dengan baik.
3. Tanaman itu tumbuh dengan subur di tamanku.
4. Petani membajak sawah di pagi hari.
5. Ibu memarahi Dodi karena kenakalannya.
6. Gigi Dodi dicabut oleh dokter kemarin.
7. Dodi membawa tasnya ke dalam kamar.
8. Andika merawat kucing peliharaannya dengan penuh kasih.
9. Dani mendengarkan nasihat dokter itu dengan sungguh-sungguh.
10. Sang majikan selalu memperlakukan mereka dengan kejam.
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
My Reflection About Book Week
Today, the 23rd of March 2007, is BOOK WEEK!!

We have to dress in costumes from folk or fairy tales from around the world. I am a character from Harry Potter, Hermione. I didn't get a trophy for being anything. But, I did my best! My friend Joshua had won for the best description. My other friend, Aditya, had won for the best costume.

My mom will be sad when she heard it. But, she always said, "Don't be sad. I am happy beacuse you had tried your best.

Tuesday, May 22, 2007
Ibu Shirley, two of these games, www.mathplayground/geometryMovie.html and it was so making me practice a lot! But, I get kind of bored in the I was glad I practice!
Hermione (my character)
Saturday, May 19, 2007
5 Traditional Instruments
1. Angklung adalah satu alat musik tradisional dari Bandung, Jawa Barat.
Cara mainnya adalah dengan memegang bawahnya dan atasnya dengan menggoyangkannya.
2. Bedug adalah salah satu dari drum yang dipakai di sebuah orkestra gamelan yang dating dari Jawa. Alat ini dimainkan dengan memukul satu samping memakai sebuah batang kayu yang dinamakan beater.
3. Gong adalah gong yang dipakai di gamelan Jawa dan Bali orchestra. Alat ini dating dari Jawa. Cara untuk memainkannya adalah memukul udaranya dengan sebuah batang kayu spesial.
4. Kacapi adalah alat memakai senar dari Jawa Barat. Cara memainkannya adalah seperti memainkan gitar dengan memetik senarnya.
5. Suling adalah alat musik yang ditiup Sunda dari Jawa Barat, walaupun alat tersebut bisa di temukan di Bali, Jawa Barat atau Jawa Timur. Cara memainkannya adalah meniup di bolongan yang lebih besar di udara untuk mengontrol nada-nadanya.
“Angklung.” Wikipedia. 30 April 2007. 20 May 2007. <>
“Bedug.” Wikipedia. 28 Februari 2007. 20 Mei 2007. <>
“Kacapi.” Wikipedia. 23 Januari 2007. 20 Mei 2007. <>
“Suling.” Wikipedia. 17 Mei 2007. 20 Mei 2007. <>
Cara mainnya adalah dengan memegang bawahnya dan atasnya dengan menggoyangkannya.
2. Bedug adalah salah satu dari drum yang dipakai di sebuah orkestra gamelan yang dating dari Jawa. Alat ini dimainkan dengan memukul satu samping memakai sebuah batang kayu yang dinamakan beater.
3. Gong adalah gong yang dipakai di gamelan Jawa dan Bali orchestra. Alat ini dating dari Jawa. Cara untuk memainkannya adalah memukul udaranya dengan sebuah batang kayu spesial.
4. Kacapi adalah alat memakai senar dari Jawa Barat. Cara memainkannya adalah seperti memainkan gitar dengan memetik senarnya.
5. Suling adalah alat musik yang ditiup Sunda dari Jawa Barat, walaupun alat tersebut bisa di temukan di Bali, Jawa Barat atau Jawa Timur. Cara memainkannya adalah meniup di bolongan yang lebih besar di udara untuk mengontrol nada-nadanya.
“Angklung.” Wikipedia. 30 April 2007. 20 May 2007. <>
“Bedug.” Wikipedia. 28 Februari 2007. 20 Mei 2007. <>
“Kacapi.” Wikipedia. 23 Januari 2007. 20 Mei 2007. <>
“Suling.” Wikipedia. 17 Mei 2007. 20 Mei 2007. <>
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
Math Counts!
I found out how to measure the area of the blue cort by using a one metre square. 1. Line up 9 or 10 metre squares and put the in the same row, but going forward. The area of the blue cort is 660cm2.
I was Well-Balanced, because I can do lots of different things and I like to learn more stuff (or things) than I usually do.
Here is a picture of the blue cort that we measured:

I was Well-Balanced, because I can do lots of different things and I like to learn more stuff (or things) than I usually do.
Here is a picture of the blue cort that we measured:

Reflection of My instrument
I had made a guitar. It is made out of a tissue box.
First I need rubber bands, and you put it on a tissue box. Then you put a chopstick (not a pair just one) so it can make a tune, while you're doing that, you prepare the things you need to decorate with.
I now learned that I cannot a bit worrying and scared that some of the parts might be broken. I was a Risk-Taker, because this is my first time to make a guitar out of junk.
First I need rubber bands, and you put it on a tissue box. Then you put a chopstick (not a pair just one) so it can make a tune, while you're doing that, you prepare the things you need to decorate with.
I now learned that I cannot a bit worrying and scared that some of the parts might be broken. I was a Risk-Taker, because this is my first time to make a guitar out of junk.
Monday, May 14, 2007
The Cup-a-phone Reflection
The Cup-a-Phone Reflection
Today, the 10th of May, we made a cup-a-phone. A cup-a-phone means two cups were connected with a string and then you can use it to talk with each other. Finally, we had finished. I put my shoes on. Josceline and Grace P. also put their shoes on. Inside my heart, I wish that it wouldn’t be tangled. Then suddenly, my string was tangled! I was shocked. I was shocked because I think maybe later I cannot try to use it. I fixed with my friends until they all had come back from trying it in the atrium. I was sad because I wasn’t able to try it.
I felt Caring because I helped my friends to fix this tangled string to get it untangled! I also felt as a Risk-Taker because this is my first time to get my first string tangled.
Sorry, if it isn’t the same, because, I left my Draft book at school.
At last, I decided to pull off the string and have a new one in it. So, I can get to try it in anytime I can!
Here is a picture of how does it work:
Today, the 10th of May, we made a cup-a-phone. A cup-a-phone means two cups were connected with a string and then you can use it to talk with each other. Finally, we had finished. I put my shoes on. Josceline and Grace P. also put their shoes on. Inside my heart, I wish that it wouldn’t be tangled. Then suddenly, my string was tangled! I was shocked. I was shocked because I think maybe later I cannot try to use it. I fixed with my friends until they all had come back from trying it in the atrium. I was sad because I wasn’t able to try it.
I felt Caring because I helped my friends to fix this tangled string to get it untangled! I also felt as a Risk-Taker because this is my first time to get my first string tangled.
Sorry, if it isn’t the same, because, I left my Draft book at school.
At last, I decided to pull off the string and have a new one in it. So, I can get to try it in anytime I can!
Here is a picture of how does it work:
My Mind-Map about Guitar
Sunday, May 13, 2007
Suara Binatang
1. Anjing=menggonggong
2. Kucing=mengeong
3. Burung=berkicau
4. Ayam=mengkokok
5. Kambing=mengembik
6. Sapi=mengeluh
7. Tokek=menokek
8. Bebek=berkuek-kuek
9. Tikus=mencicit
10. Lebah=mendengung
11. Harimau=bergaum
12. Babi=mengorok
13. Ayam Betina=berkotek
14. Kerbau=melenguh
15. Domba=mengembik
16. Kuda=meringkik
17. Ular=mendesis
18. Anak Ayam=cipcip
19. Burung Gagak=gagak
20. Burung Merpati=kur
21. Ayam Jago=kikeriku
22. Kodok=mengerok
23. Serigala=menyalak
24. Rubah=hucka-hua
Semua ini adalah setengah dari suara-suara binatang yang ada di planet bumi ini.
Aku tidak tahu semuanya tapi yang jelas aku mendapatkan setengah suara dari Ini adalah nama URL untuk suara-suara binatang dengan berbagai bahasa-bahasa.
2. Kucing=mengeong
3. Burung=berkicau
4. Ayam=mengkokok
5. Kambing=mengembik
6. Sapi=mengeluh
7. Tokek=menokek
8. Bebek=berkuek-kuek
9. Tikus=mencicit
10. Lebah=mendengung
11. Harimau=bergaum
12. Babi=mengorok
13. Ayam Betina=berkotek
14. Kerbau=melenguh
15. Domba=mengembik
16. Kuda=meringkik
17. Ular=mendesis
18. Anak Ayam=cipcip
19. Burung Gagak=gagak
20. Burung Merpati=kur
21. Ayam Jago=kikeriku
22. Kodok=mengerok
23. Serigala=menyalak
24. Rubah=hucka-hua
Semua ini adalah setengah dari suara-suara binatang yang ada di planet bumi ini.
Aku tidak tahu semuanya tapi yang jelas aku mendapatkan setengah suara dari Ini adalah nama URL untuk suara-suara binatang dengan berbagai bahasa-bahasa.
Thursday, May 10, 2007
I have just the right game to play. But, this game contains English and the language Indonesian mixed. Don't be so surprised, Okay? Here, below you can find all the instrustions of what you have to do first before downloading.
If you want to play a fun game, just go to If you go there you must register and download the game first. After you have download it you can choose what kind of gender you want. You also have to name your dancer. After you all have done all of these, then you can have a match with me sometime!
If you want to play a fun game, just go to If you go there you must register and download the game first. After you have download it you can choose what kind of gender you want. You also have to name your dancer. After you all have done all of these, then you can have a match with me sometime!
Tuesday, May 8, 2007
Water Pollution
1. What things can pollute water in your environment?
Soap, waste from factories, throwing rubbish in the water, tanker ships (they bring oil and fell to the sea). These are all the things that can make water polluted.
2. What can I do as grade 3 students to prevent that happen?
1. Not throwing garbage/waste in river/lakes/water.
2. Putting clean water in closed containers.
3. Using water efficiently.
Menanam Padi?
Hari Jumat, 27 April 2007, saya dan anak-anak kelas tiga, pergi ke TamanBuah Mekarsari di Cileungsi. Kami kesana karena kami ingin mengetahui bagaimana cara menanam padi dan menangkap ikan tanoa memakai alat apa pun.
Aku akan menceritakan bagaimana akhirnya kami jadi berlumpuran.
Sewaktu kami ingin menanam padi, aku melihat sawah yang berwarna coklat tua, bagaikan warna kerbau. kita berbaris. Kami diajarkan bagaiman caranya menanam padi. Waktuaku meluncur masuk ke dalam lumpur yang bau itu, pelan-pelan, aku mencium bau seperti selokan yang tak pernah dibersihkan selama bertahun-tahun. Sewaktu aku menapakkan kakiku di sawah itu, rasanya seperti menginjak bubur yang sudah busuk dan bau sekali. Ternyata, menanam padi tidak terlalu susah. Kami harus membariskan padinya dengan jarak 10 sampai 20 centimeter.
Setelah menanam padi selesai, aku keluar dari lumpur yang menjijikanitu. Mulailah teman-temanku berperang lumpur. Hampir semua teman-temanku ikutan. Aku dipaksa oleh temanku, Kim untuk ikutan. Ya, sudah, akhirnya aku ikutan dan bajuku jadi kotor deh!
Itu adalah refleksi tentang Taman Buah Mekarsari memakai bahasa Indonesia.
Aku akan menceritakan bagaimana akhirnya kami jadi berlumpuran.
Sewaktu kami ingin menanam padi, aku melihat sawah yang berwarna coklat tua, bagaikan warna kerbau. kita berbaris. Kami diajarkan bagaiman caranya menanam padi. Waktuaku meluncur masuk ke dalam lumpur yang bau itu, pelan-pelan, aku mencium bau seperti selokan yang tak pernah dibersihkan selama bertahun-tahun. Sewaktu aku menapakkan kakiku di sawah itu, rasanya seperti menginjak bubur yang sudah busuk dan bau sekali. Ternyata, menanam padi tidak terlalu susah. Kami harus membariskan padinya dengan jarak 10 sampai 20 centimeter.
Setelah menanam padi selesai, aku keluar dari lumpur yang menjijikanitu. Mulailah teman-temanku berperang lumpur. Hampir semua teman-temanku ikutan. Aku dipaksa oleh temanku, Kim untuk ikutan. Ya, sudah, akhirnya aku ikutan dan bajuku jadi kotor deh!
Itu adalah refleksi tentang Taman Buah Mekarsari memakai bahasa Indonesia.
Friday, May 4, 2007
I have commented on Hesky's blog called, Gian at, Matthew at, Vanessa at and Rinaka at
My Mini Inquiry
WHAT IS MUD????!!!
Answer:Mud is a liquid or semi-liquid mix of water and some combination of soil, fine sand, and clay. Ancient mud gets harder, harder and harder over a study of history time to a stone made out of poles or solid, mudrock lutites (Click here to go to this website.). When history of a stone that is made out of poles, mud are formed in estuaries (click here if you want to know its meaning) the resultant layers are termed bay muds. Mud is similar to sticky mud, except in that mud needs meaning the total of the amount of leaves that turn into soil, and often contains higher proportions of sand.
Mud can provide a home for numerous types of animals, including many kinds of animals such as worms, frogs, snails, clams, and crayfish. Other animals, such as pigs and elephants, bath in mud in order to cool off and protect themselves from the sun.
Mud, in the process of building hard work, to mention wet a building material used to cover walls, a rough wall coating, cement or other similar liquid. Mud is closely related to mix thin things and stuff that is left in the bottom of the liquid.
Wet, soft earth as on the ground after rain, at the bottom of a pond.
Answer:Mud is a liquid or semi-liquid mix of water and some combination of soil, fine sand, and clay. Ancient mud gets harder, harder and harder over a study of history time to a stone made out of poles or solid, mudrock lutites (Click here to go to this website.). When history of a stone that is made out of poles, mud are formed in estuaries (click here if you want to know its meaning) the resultant layers are termed bay muds. Mud is similar to sticky mud, except in that mud needs meaning the total of the amount of leaves that turn into soil, and often contains higher proportions of sand.
Mud can provide a home for numerous types of animals, including many kinds of animals such as worms, frogs, snails, clams, and crayfish. Other animals, such as pigs and elephants, bath in mud in order to cool off and protect themselves from the sun.
Mud, in the process of building hard work, to mention wet a building material used to cover walls, a rough wall coating, cement or other similar liquid. Mud is closely related to mix thin things and stuff that is left in the bottom of the liquid.
Wet, soft earth as on the ground after rain, at the bottom of a pond.
Thursday, May 3, 2007

Christian Glitter by
I would like to congratulate Josceline for now that I can trust her. Now, she is a friend of mine.
I would like to give her this flower.

Christian Glitter by
I hope you like it! Please enjoy these picture!
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